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Eurotank upgrades tanks for Parkfoot Garage

Parkfoot Garage in Kent has had its tanks upgraded using Eurotank Environmental’s Tank Re-Tightening service. 

David Charman, owner of Parkfoot Garage in West Malling, wanted to carry out some due diligence on his eight tanks, which were all ageing single-skin steel.

“My diesel tanks were in need of cleaning but Eurotank also recommended tank re-tightening on all my tanks to give me peace of mind that they are in an acceptable condition.

“The project was approached in a way that the site could remain trading with as little disruption as possible to both forecourt access and pump availability.”

Eurotank’s tank re-tightening service includes cleaning and inspecting the tanks visually, looking for deep pitted areas that could lead to potential leak points, and carrying out thickness tests to measure the tank thickness using a ultrasonic thickness tester. The tank is stress tested and any heavily pitted areas are patch lined and the tank lid reinstated with new gaskets and fittings where required.

Finally the tank is pressure tested to ensure that the tank lid and fittings are tight, a report is made detailing the conditions found in the tank and a recommended timescale for the next inspection.  

Published date:
October 31, 2023
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